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Tuesday 6 June – Thursday 8 June 2023 inclusive, it's a great 3 day course, where you will be able to enhance your knowledge, expand on your networking and gain confidence in your area of expertise. Amazing career advancement tool and development.
Lycette & Associates in conjunction with the Scottish Chapter of UK Housekeepers Association will be presenting a unique programme for Housekeeping Managers at venue in Scotland yet to be decided. This practical workshop includes all aspects of modern housekeeping management. It is suitable for Housekeeping Managers, Rooms Division Managers and all those responsible for housekeeping operations. The workshop delivers skills which will improve business outcomes, advance the performance of teams and enhance customer experiences. The 3 day workshop, which runs from 9am – 5.30pm, focuses on the multiple roles of the Housekeeping Manager as a Senior Manager, Integrator and Operational Specialist. Development programme sessions are lively and interactive, encouraging participation through interactive exercises, networking and shared experiences. Great value at £450.00 for 3-day Programme! Including lunch, breaks and all course materials.
For enquires or to register interest, please contact: Ruth Clark ruth292@hotmail.co.uk or contact Liz at liz@lycetteandassociates.com