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The Destination Deluxe Awards honour leaders and pioneers in wellness and travel.
The prestigious Awards celebrate the hotels, spas, treatments, skincare and wellness brands that drive the remarkable luxury standard of these industries. Quality, transparency and originality are fundamental criteria of the Destination Deluxe Awards, as they recognize and praise the change-makers of today who go beyond set boundaries and innovate in their respective fields.
The Destination Deluxe Awards span 25 categories. Based on the nomination entries, a Finalist Shortlist will be created for 22 categories, which will be evaluated by a group of 21 judges, who are well-respected industry experts. The public can also vote on the Finalist Shortlist via 3 People’s Choice categories.
The Awards are extremely accessible, as all hotels, resorts, retreats, spas, and skincare companies are eligible for nomination. It is free to submit a nomination. There is no extra fee applied when winning an award. Companies can nominate in one or more categories.
Nominations for hotel, retreat, spa, treatments and skincare brands are accepted until May 17 at the link.